Do you have a great business idea? Are you worried about the funds? You might not have enough savings to finance your startup. Getting a business loan is also not easy. Don't worry. A personal loan will help kickstart your dream business.
Get in touch with your lender and say, " I need a personal loan." But before you fund your business with a personal loan, look at the pros and cons of it. You can apply for personal loan-
1. Faster approval
A business loan might take several days to get approved. Whereas most lenders offer instant personal loans these days. After all, why should you wait to implement your excellent business idea?
2. No collateral
Personal loans are unsecured. So, you do not need any collateral unlike business loans. Your lender will only ask for your income proof.
1. Higher Interest Rates
Since they are unsecured loans, the interest rates are quite high. If your business does not yield the expected results, you will face troubles in repaying the loan. Even if your startup does well, the high interest rates will eat up into your profits.
2. Lower Borrowing Limit
Personal loans come with a lower borrowing limit compared to business loans. So, you might not be able to raise the entire amount you require.
Before you apply, take care to check the personal loan interest rates. It will help you plan your finances accordingly.
Now that you know the pros and cons of funding your business with a personal loan, you can make an informed decision. Fullerton India offers quick personal loans. That too with minimum documents. So, go ahead and start your dream business today.
Additional Read: Reasons why to Opt for Fullerton India Instant personal loan