If you are looking for a loan to fund your expenses, then opting for a secured loan is a great option. It not only increases your chances of fulfilling the loan against property eligibility but also reduces your interest rate. Loan against property allows you to pledge your property, either residential or commercial, as security for a loan.
However, before you go for loan against property, these are some points you should remember:
Interest rate offered: The interest rate being offered to various individuals is not standardized. Instead, it depends on various factors such as type of property, age of the applicant, income of the applicant and many more.
Property rights: Despite the individual pledging the property for the loan, the property's rights remain with the applicant. They can use the property as they want to.
Purpose of loan: In case of a loan against property, there is no specific reason for taking the loan. The loan amount can be used for any purpose like unforeseen medical expenses, children's higher education and marriage, or setting up a business.
Lender options: There are various lenders in the digital space with a different loan against property eligibility. Before you finalise on any, look for other options available and choose the lender offering the best loan against property terms to you.
The above tips will help you better understand a loan against property and negotiate with the lender for the right loan terms. Loan against property offers greater flexibility, lower interest rates, higher loan amount, and a longer repayment tenure and end-use feasibility. However, if the borrower defaults, then the property rights can be transferred to the lender. Therefore, read all the terms & conditions carefully before availing of a loan.
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